%92 Viscon %8 Likra*Kısa Kol*Bisiklet Yaka*Yazı Desenli*Boy Uzunluğu:51 cmNumune Bedeni: 36/S/1Modelin Ölçüleri : 1,73, Göğüs:84, Bel:61, Kalça:89
You can return it within 7 days from the delivery date.
You can send your return to us by Skynet Worldwide Express +90 212 2175040 - +90 212 4440379.
*Skynet Worldwide Express Refunds, which are made as a counter-payment, will not be accepted..
Our Return Address: Saten Textile Central Warehouse : Adil Mahallesi Demokrasi Caddesi Manolya İş Merkezi No:1 Kat:2 Sultanbeyli / İstanbul - Turkey
The product you will be returning must not be damaged, the label on the product has been broken, has not been used, and has not been damaged by the use error.
You must fill the product / products you want to return with all the accessories and original box, and the return form below the front of your invoice.
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